mercoledì 21 marzo 2012

Uncharted 3 : disponibile nuova patch

Rilasciata oggi, questa nuova patch sarà dedicata al comparto multiplayer, ma non sarà molto pesante.
Ecco le modifiche più importanti, purtroppo in inglese. (Alex)

  1. Changed Mega Bomb kickback from 14 medals to 10 to activate
  2. Fleet Foot speed levels adjusted
  3. Increasing the cost of all four paid boosters.
  4. Ping and Bargain now cost 100K. Untraceable now costs 35K. Explosive Expert now costs 25K.
  5. Changed Shotgun kickback cost increased by +2 medals
  6. Changed Creepy Crawler kickback cost lowered by -1 medal
  7. Fixed the drop of the Patterned Ring at the end of London Underground to work regularly

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